
LNP Manager Update


Matt Whitney







This paper provides an overview of the work of the LNP Manager. The aim is to ensure Board members are kept informed of the variety of different engagement points


The Board is asked to:



-       acknowledge the various engagement points of the LNP Manager

-       highlight any dependencies or support that might benefit progress.





Important conversations

-       Attended University of Oxford Nature Recovery seminar, exploring how the University can best support nature recovery efforts in Oxfordshire and beyond.

-       Presented at Floodplain Meadows Partnership conference at Oxford Natural History Museum, examining whether we can realise the promise of Biodiversity Net Gain, and how floodplain meadows might benefit from the new policy.

-       Met Oxford University’s new operational nature-focussed team, who sit alongside the University’s net zero team and are exploring the best ways for Oxford University’s operations to become nature positive.



Council/strategic crossover

-       Leading on one of the five priority areas of Pathways to Zero Carbon Oxfordshire route map. Fortnightly update calls with OCC lead.

-       Advocating for a stronger nature presence in the next iteration of Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy, via a focus on Green Infrastructure

-       Convened partners to support Cherwell District Council officers in exploring potential nature-related uses of some of their newly acquired sites.

-       Supported Oxfordshire County Council in recruitment of the new LNRS project manager

-       Led conversations with Councillors at South Oxfordshire DC to explore potential of creation of new large accessible natural greenspace in the district.

-       Engaged with Environment Agency leads on the Oxfordshire Flood Alleviation Scheme, which has large impacts on the natural environment.

-       Participated in workshop for OxLEP’s Strategic Economic Plan.




Organisational support

-       Convening and facilitating multi-partner conversations to explore continuation of Oxfordshire Treescapes Project, important as a method of engaging communities and landowners with data.

-       Supporting Windrush Catchment Partnership to become more robust, engaging, positive and financially stable.


Cross-border working

-       Leading discussions with neighbouring authorities on LNRS, including via existing networks and newly established groupings

-       Working with South East Nature Partnership on strategic approach, including LNRS and nature finance

-       Involvement in the Pan Regional Partnership (formerly Ox-Cam Arc), including supporting an approach for funding for a landscape-scale project.

-       Led submission of a letter to Michael Gove, with signatures from 25 LNP Chairs from across England, calling for LNRS to have real weight within the planning system

-       Met with Rachel Maclean MP to discuss the above.

-       Convened and chaired the national community of practice on natural capital investment, including nearly 40 organisations from across England, exploring the barriers to developing a robust pipeline of investment-ready projects.


Project development

-       Working with BBOWT and Bucks &MK Natural Environment Partnership to explore business demand for nature-based solutions in the Bernwood Otmore Ray region and beyond, possibly via a Landscape Enterprise Network approach

-       Membership of Bernwood Otmore Ray project steering group to explore potential of submitting a Landscape Recovery bid

-       Convened conversation with Triodos Bank to explore an innovative financing of natural capital enhancement, aligned with our Nature Finance Strategy

-       Exploration of cooperation with Oxford City Council’s Area Based Insetting approach, which has confirmed demand for carbon offsets from large businesses and is seeking a blend of projects, including nature projects.

-       Co-authored a report with researchers from Oxford University on the cost of nature recovery in Oxfordshire, and the contribution to this that may be provided by biodiversity net gain.